This morning as I was drinking my coffee and preparing my heart and mind for worship, I was trying to think of some way to honor the victims and families of 9-11 on Facebook. I wrote a small FB status and I wanted to expound on it. Today this blog will be sad, a little unusual for me.
"I remember where I was on 9/11, I remember the horror and devastation, I remember the fear, I remember the heroes, I remember the stories of heroism, I remember the families, I remember the patriotism this act produced, I am witnessing the rebirth, and I hope that our children and our children's children will Remember."
All week I have had the phrase "I Remember" in my head. I think someone should mass produce bumper stickers and pass them out. Everyone should remember 9-11-01. Everyone. I will never say that I am happy that horrible act of violence and terrorism but I think that my generation needed something like this so we can empathize with others when something bad happens. When the tsunami in Thailand happened, the earthquake in Haiti, the hurricane in Louisiana; my mind immediately went to what I was feeling when the planes flew into the towers.
I remember I was hanging out with my kids at home. My oldest was in public school at the time and I was pregnant with my fifth. My mother-in-law called me and told me to turn the tv on, did I even know what was going on. I turned the tv on and my whole body went numb. I hung up with her and she was the last person I talked to all day, the phone lines were jammed the rest of the day and for days afterward. I fell to the floor, sobbing, watching the tower smoke. The reporters didn't know what was going on, everyone was confused. My small children were looking at me like I was nuts, mommy never watches tv during the day, mommy never cries. I just sat there and cried. My neighbor came by and asked me if I wanted her to get my oldest from school, she was going to get her children. I said yes, I wanted all my children close to me. I went back to watching the tv and then another plane flew into another tower. Then there were reports of a plane crashing in PA. Then the Pentagon. I didn't know how much I could take. They showed people on the streets of NYC crying and covered in white dust. Firefighters and Policemen everywhere. Then the tower crashed down. It was unthinkable. Then the other one. How many Lord? How many were still in there? How many were now dead? Then the flags. All the American flags. They lined the streets, hung on every house, on overpasses, businesses, cars. They were everywhere. What terrorists tried to defeat only made us stronger and more ready to fight back.
I Remember. I will always remember what happened that day. I don't think I will be able to think about that day without tearing up. I can't listen to the memory songs, I can't watch the documentaries, it's too hard. And I didn't even lose anyone that day. Imagine those who did. Maybe you did. If I feel that strongly about something that didn't directly affect me, it must be quadruply hard for those who were there. For those who lost a spouse, child, parent, friend.
Don't forget. Take this tragedy and grow from it. Remember so you can empathize with those going through something similiar. Remember so you will know how it feels and you will have more mercy on your enemies. Tell your children so they can Remember and tell their children.
Do you remember where you were?