Thursday, February 17, 2011


Sometimes I am a Democrat but most of the time I am a Republican.  I can see the other side of an issue but it has to be pointed out to me.
Sometimes I am a free woman but most of the time I am a Mom.  I can go somewhere alone and pretend I have no kids but they are always there, waiting for me.  I can enjoy my moment alone but come home to what is comfortable and happy.
Sometimes I am a pop singer but most of the time I am an opera singer.  I can go to karaoke and belt out Bon Jovi's Blaze of Glory and get a great applause.  But when I sing "Think of Me" from Phantom of the Opera,  I really wow the crowd.  I have a classical voice but I can have my in the car moment of pop singing glory.
Sometimes I am a racist but most of the time I'm not.  I have my moments where a hateful thought enters my mind and I have to think it through.  Sometimes I have to ask someone else's opinion or share my thought.  Something ingrained is hard to get out quickly.  But knowing I have love in my heart for all people helps me out.
Sometimes I am a teenager but most of the time I am a grown up.  I have my silly moments where I want to act silly and fun and wear funky shoes.  My friend reminds me that I will never "win" against a teen, they've got it covered just fine.
Sometimes I cry but most of the time I don't.  I have my days where everything hits me in a sad cryey way but most of the time I can handle it without tears.
Sometimes I am a fighter but most of the time I'm a wimp.  Really.  I just talk big : )  Unless you mess with my husband or kids, then I'll kick your a**.
Sometimes I am a race car driver but mostly I'm a good driver.  Sometimes I see those little tiny cars that just need to feel the power of my 15 passenger van engine.
Sometimes I'm cool but most of the time I'm a nerd.  No, no, don't everyone try to dispute me at once.  Just kidding.  I know I'm a nerd and I don't care.  I do treasure those cool moments though...
Sometimes I'm grumpy but most of the time I'm not.  I admit, the stress gets to me from time to time but I try to keep it as happy as I can.
Sometimes I'm a loner but most of the time I'm a people person.  I treasure my alone time but I really shine in a crowd of people I know.  I just love to talk!

Sometimes we are one thing but most of the time we are ourselves.  Sometimes we have a crazy moment and it can be good, like wearing a pair of pink and black converse high top tennis shoes.  (oh yes people, I do own and wear that pair of shoes)  Sometimes we have a crazy moment and we've done something that has hurt another person or ourselves.  Do we pretend it didn't happen?  Do we act like they were the one in the wrong?  No.  We apologize and move on.  Sometimes we're unforgiving but most of the time we're happy to forgive. 

What are your sometimes?

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