Monday, June 20, 2011

Breastfeeding in Public: Pro or Anti?

I made a new friend at school this year and she is from Argentina.  We have discussed how our countries are different when it comes to how the human body is viewed.  Americans in general tend to be a little more uptight about what can be displayed publicly and Argentinians are a little more relaxed.  We got into quite a discussion one day about whether or not people should breastfeed in public so I thought I would blog about it.  Please post your opinion at the bottom because I really am curious.

My friend thinks that breastfeeding is a natural thing and should be openly accepted.  She feels like breasts were made for feeding as well as pleasure and if a woman is feeding a baby, boobs should be viewed like a bottle.  She doesn't understand why Americans don't see it the way she does, which is understandable.  She also doesn't understand why we don't all wear thong bikinis but that is another blog : )

I have nursed 6 babies in public with very mixed emotions.  With my first baby, I was very self-conscious and would leave the room to nurse the baby.  That got old real fast.  With my second baby, I got a nursing cover and breastfeeding shirts which allowed me more freedom.  By the 6th baby, I really just didn't care anymore and was expert at keeping myself covered with my clothes and feeding pretty much anywhere.  I love to see women breastfeeding their babies but I admit, it does make me uncomfortable when a woman is very open about it.  I saw a lady once at Aldi's openly feeding with a boob just hanging out, putting her groceries on the conveyer, keeping an eye on her other children, and chatting up people in line.  She acted like it was nothing and people just accepted it.  I had to give her credit,  I would have been blushing up a storm if that had been me! 

I also like when a group of women are together and we can openly nurse without embarassment.  Nursing a baby is natural and a gift.  I loved looking down on their sweet little faces and knowing I was doing something for them that no one else could do.  I have to admit, I also liked switching them to bottles so I could sleep through the night : ) and watch my husband bond with them as well.

But what about in public?  Should women cover up?  Should ladies be forced to cover up for the sake of someone else's discomfort or opinion?  Nursing under a cover is hot and bothersome but does give privacy for everyone involved.  What do ya'll think?  Personally I think discretion is the way to go in America but more power to you if you want to hang it all out there. 

1 comment:

  1. Having adopted my four children, I have not had the joy of breastfeeding. But I have been on the other end, of seeing others breastfeed and it's been across the spectrum. I've seen an Aldi's situation - everything literally hanging out, I've seen women under covers with baby feet dangling out, and I've seen women get creative in knowing how to naturally cover up with out putting themselves and their baby in a sweat house! Personally, I think when there are men around, discretion is a must. When other women are around - unless you are sure they don't care - I think it's best to not act on your breastfeeding freedom. The right is yours, but the question is, does this in anyway make others uncomfortable? I think we should be looking to serve others, even if it makes us a little uncomfy. As a friend of those who breastfeed, my disposition should be to serve them. If that means giving them privacy in my bedroom to nurse, or sitting on the couch next to them as they discreetly feed their baby, so we can continue our conversation, then I am game. Love should dictate our choices...even when it comes to our breasts! ;-)
