Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Random Stranger

This is a long Isabelism, figured I'd blog it.

5 of my kids and I went to Home Depot to make fancy keys for those children responsible enough to keep track of their key.  We are all surrounding the key machine and picking out fancy keys and playing with the doorknobs in the aisle, clogging up the whole area.  This young man, probably around 25 years old or so, walks by with a fabulous walking stick/cane with a snake engraved on it.  The snake is wrapped around the stick and it is all beautifully painted.  He limps slowly through my mass of younguns and Isabel yells out, "Hey! I know that story!"  The guy stops and looks at her, quizzically.  Then he stops, stoops down a little and says, "Tell me the story".  Wow.  Hold on, gotta get a tissue, I'm tearing up.  So, Isabel proceeds to tell him about the story in the Bible where the Israelites have to look upon the bronze snake on a stick or they will die.  The man knows the story and they have a small conversation about it and then he walks away.  What a moment.  My daughter, totally ignoring the fact that the guy was lame, sees a snake on a stick and thinks of the Bible.  This man, who probably has more on his mind than a kid asking him questions, stops to have a quiet conversation with my 5 year old about God.  I mean, how many young people would do that?  Would you stop and take the time to talk to a small kid in a Home Depot because they yell out a comment?  I was so impressed by that young man's character.  He certainly taught me a lesson today.

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