Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Remember When and I Wonder If

Remember when we didn't have youtube, playlist, and itunes?  We had to sit by our tape recorders with a blank tape ready to go and as soon as our favorite song came on the radio we had to hurry up and hit record so we wouldn't miss any of it.  We never knew the first few beats or the last few beats of any song from using this method.

Remember when we didn't buy the tapes so we didn't have the lyrics so we would sit there listening, rewinding, writing, listening, rewinding, writing until we had the whole thing down on a piece of paper just so we could sing along at the tops of our lungs to our favorite songs?

Remember when we didn't have email and we had to actually write our friends and family?  On paper.  With a pen or pencil.  And then mail it, in an envelope, with a stamp.  Who had a penpal??  I did, her name was Michelle and she took dance lessons.

Remember when we had to write a research paper?  I said write, not type.  We had to use pen and write it out and if we messed up we had to trash the whole piece of paper and start over.  The time to do research was nothing on actually writing the darn thing out.  And we couldn't use white-out on the final copy, that just looked messy.  And if you were lucky enough to have a typewrite, that took just as long cuz none of us knew how to type.

Remember when we only had a couple of channels and we liked what was on because we were only allowed to watch it for a little while each day?  I think we had 5 channels when I was a kid and cartoons only came on on Saturdays.  The rest of the week I had to settle for People's Court, America's Funniest Home Videos, Mork and Mindy, and V.  I remember when Nickelodeon came out and I was hooked on Double Dare because they got covered in slime.

Remember when we would tape things with our VCR's right off of tv?  If we got up to get a drink or something and weren't back to hit record again, we would be so mad because we would have missed something on the tape.  Then we would watch those tapes over and over until the tape warped and the tracking went out.

Remember when we didn't have ipods or mp3 players but we had walkmans?  I remember when the CD walkmans came out and I couldn't wait to get one!  I mean, I had 3 whole CD's to play on it.  I would get in the car with that thing and then miss all the songs because every tiny bump in the road would cause it to skip like crazy.

I wonder if our grandchildren will ever get lost?  Will GPS systems be automatically installed into everything they will ever own?  I remember traveling to MI with my sister and cousin and pulling out the state maps with my dad.  We tracked our route, wrote it down, figured out the mileage and time, and set off.  No mapquest, no GPS system, we were on our own with just the map and the road.

I wonder if our grandchildren will know the feel of a good book in their hands?  Will Kindles and Ebooks and Emags and e-everything else take over paper books someday.

I wonder if the internet will eventually take over the need to actually leave the house?  You can grocery shop, bank, work from home, communicate with friends, and mail packages all from the comfort of your own home using the internet.

I wonder if  I will become famous because of this blog?  Will millions of people read this someday?  Or will I stick to just tens of people?

1 comment:

  1. Remember when we had no cellphones, only pagers, and we had to write messages with numbers and read them upside down to make sense? Remember the Atari 2600? Or Sega Genesis? Or Commodore computers?
